Ham Common Woods, January 19th

This time last year the Environment Trust's volunteers worked to free the pond from over-shading vegetation and to remove invasive snowberry plants. This year's task was to continue to tackle the snowberry and to cut back vegetation along Ham Gate Avenue. Unfortunately, the first serious snowfall of the winter seriously diminished our volunteer workforce. However, what we lacked in numbers, we made up for in enthusiasm and got stuck in.
Based on the experience of cutting the snowberry back last year, it was decided to attempt to dig out the roots. Without digging out, the snowberry will only continue to spread and threaten native plants, such as bluebells. See the dedicated snowberry page for more details (http://etrutvolunteering.blogspot.co.uk/p/snowberry-symphoricarpos-albus.html).
Never one to miss an advertising opportunity ... 
The pond in 2013, in contrast to 2012, below.
The over-shaded pond in early 2012.
Yew seedling emerging where snowberry has been removed. 
The snowmen in Richmond Park significantly outnumbered our volunteers today. 
The wonderful Richmond Park. 
A perfect day for conservation volunteering - and sledging.

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