Coombe Wood, Saturday January 13th

Coombe Wood in north Kingston is a remnant coppice wood, dominated by hazel and oak, which has been sadly neglected in recent years. Formerly a London Wildlife Trust reserve, the wood alongside the Kingston by-pass is once again being over-run by rhododendron, and the hazel coppice is in need of reinstatement. The Environment Trust's Kingston Greenspace Volunteers, supported by the Lower Mole Project, took on the task of bringing the woodland back into management.

Kingston Greenspace Volunteers prepare to do battle with the rhododendron. 
 It's surprising how quickly the trailer fills up.
Cabbage Palm (Cordyline australis) thrown over a garden fence, now growing happily in Coombe Wood.   
Rhododendron ponticum without management soon becomes an invasive weed. 
Where rhododendron has been allowed to grow, all other plants are excluded. 
Coombe Wood is bordered by the busy Kingston by-pass. 
A sample of the old interpretation board.

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