Churchfields Recreation Ground, Tuesday November 5th, 2013

The Kingston Greenspace Volunteers last visited the hazel coppice at Churchfields Recreation Ground in Chessington back in March. On that occasion two hazel trees were coppiced to create a greater diversity in the age structure of the woodland, to revive a traditional form of woodland management, and to improve the woodland for wildlife. On this occasion, despite the rain, we spent the morning coppicing another two hazel trees, and to prepare hazel poles for future hedge repair work at St. Mary's Church.
With funding secured from Kingston Council, we'll be back at the coppice in February 2014, to continue working with the local community to improve this site for wildlife.
Elliot coppices hazel. 
The finished result is neat coppice stools, with stools cut in March 2013 in the background.

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