Fishponds Park, Surbiton. Tuesday December 11th

This was the Environment Trust's second event at Fishponds Park in Surbiton. A new drainage pipe is being laid and hopefully the pump will soon be repaired to allow the rather stagnant ponds to come to life again. Nevertheless, the park was looking wonderful under a crisp winter's day, and our Kingston Greenspace Volunteers got to work removing sycamore saplings that contribute to the over-shading of the upper pond and drop their leaves into the pond creating a highly enriched environment that is not ideal. The results of our work won't be apparent until spring, although at least walkers are now able to stroll around the upper pond, thanks to our volunteers clearing a swathe of brambles. Previously, only those adventurous enough to risk life and limb by tip-toeing between the brambles and the pond and trampling brooklime plants (Veronica beccabunga) were able to make the journey. Now there is a legitimate footpath from which to admire the view across the upper pond. Finally, and as usual, we carried away two bags of rubbish, along with a discarded bird-feeder, and a woodcrete bird box.
 A family of swans navigate around the frozen pond.
 A lovely day for volunteering on a crisp winter's day in Surbiton.
 The upper pond, a haven of peace and tranquility.
Kingston volunteers Elliot and Dean set about the task of taming the bramble patch ...
... and admire their handiwork.
The upper pond, a little less shaded than it was.

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