River Thames Clean-up Saturday November 3rd

What a delight it was to see over 40 volunteers ready and eager to do their bit to clean up the River Thames near Richmond Bridge. So, it was with tremendous regret that the decision was made to send everyone home due to the water level being too high. On Wednesday when the site was visited to ensure the rubbish cages were in place and that there was something to clean up, it was possible to walk along the exposed foreshore to a large mound of rubbish that our group didn't manage to remove last year. The issue seems to have been not that the tide didn't go out far enough, but rather that the amount of rain in the upper reaches of the Thames in recent days has resulted in increased volumes of water coming downstream. Even referring to Environment Agency data, the picture is not very clear http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/static/documents/Research/WE_301012.pdf
The boys from Towerhouse, undaunted by the situation and determined to make a difference, set off along the towpath armed with black rubbish bags and later returned with quite an impressive haul. Meanwhile, Martine and her grandsons headed down the Surrey bank towards Ham House and collected four bags of rubbish.
The river clean up at Richmond is intended to not only clean up our section of the Thames, but also to support the work of the Marine Conservation Society  as they seek to reduce the amount of plastic litter in the sea and on beaches. The MCS have a number of litter campaigns: No Butts on the Beach!, Break the Bag Habit,  Go Plastic Bag Free, Bag It Bin It - Don't Flush, and Don't Let Go.

Support the setting up of Marine Proteced Areas around the UK by signing a plege here http://www.mcsuk.org/mpa/

The intention is to reschedule the Richmond clean up for Saturday December 1st, with a slightly later start time of 10.30am. The draw-off comes to an end on December 9th. 
Rubbish mound in the River Thames at Richmond Wednesday 31st October
Mudlark Vic hunts for treasure under Richmond Bridge 31st October
With the water level too high, the only thing left to do was to enjoy a spot of stone skimming. 
Tower House boys return with bags of rubbish collected along the towpath. 
An invasive Chinese mitten crab revealed under a rock.
Hindu deity Ganesha looking slightly the worse for wear on the foreshore.
Richmond Bridge looking fabulous in the sun, Nov. 3rd 2012.
Compare the 2012 scene with this view on Nov. 26th 2011.
Nov. 3rd 2012
Nov. 26th 2011
While this sky lantern landed in Kenton Recreation Ground, northwest London, many are believed to end up in the sea, where they are thought to pose a threat to wildlife. Next time Don't Let It Go!

See this shocking video of a seagull eating a plastic bag.
Let's help Richmond and Kingston Go Plastic Bag Free

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