Tolworth Brook Woodland Management, Tuesday March 4th, 2014

Yet again, the Environment Trust's Kingston Greenspace Volunteers returned to the small patch of woodland running alongside the Tolworth Brook. Our task today was to complete the removal of dumped rubbish behind a garden fence and to construct a dead hedge in a bid to discourage further dumping, to provide wildlife habitat, and to make use of the coppiced materials. We'll be returning to this site again to plant a native hedge. Thus far, a small area has been coppiced, opening up the woodland to increased light levels, and improving the ground flora to benefit butterflies and other species. Sycamore seedlings have also been removed to improve the ecological value of the woodland.
With all the rubbish removed, only marks on the fence show where dumped garden waste once was. The first dead hedge fence posts have been installed. 
The home owner, in the process of repairing their fence, thought it was acceptable to dump unwanted materials and garden waste into the public area. 
A one-eyed frog was just one of several curious items amongst the rubbish.
Elliot poses by the completed dead hedge. 
The trailer is again filled with rubbish, all from one inconsiderate homeowner.
As a result of repeated fly-tipping a consultation is being conducted to decide the future of the Meldone Close recycling area.
In early April 2014, we returned to plant the first new hedge plants.

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